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Chemistry can be humorous and fun, too. So I place here some samples of chemistry jokes, music, poetry, fun and games. Enjoy!

Poetic Table of Elements

Your atomic number is 6
You're cool in three different forms
Fullerines, graphite, and diamond
You've been around for so long
but by who is still unknown
You make diamond look good
and car rims look hot
You combine with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and many more
Even though you're worth alot today
Your still put in good use.
By Bella Khaimova


stars are the creation of it
many things rely upon it
it creates many beautiful things
it can make any where from tools
to being responsible for making diamond rings
with the hardness of 0.8 mohs
it can break ground where all was lost
when mining you can find it
in many forms it keeps you warm
when you sit and light it
coals, tools, stars and diamonds
no matter how you look at it the top dog is carbon

By chelsea

Enjoy this sampling of musical chemistry  :

Based on “Complicated” by Avril Lavigne
(…now don’t tell me I’m not modern enough!)

Chill out, hydrogen chloride:
You're on the acidic side,
You can turn blue litmus paper red,
So it’s said;
With base, you can neutralise,
Water makes you ionise
’Cos you lose a hydrogen ion
And you become
Cl- and H3O+
Your pH is low, ‘cos in H2O
You deprotonate - H+ you donate, you see…
Tell me,
Why d'you have to go and get so deprotonated? 
I see the way you're
Split into your ions and you're fully dissociated,
You're low pH and
It's because your H+ you donate to a base, and you're great as a proton donor -

You're a strong acid 'cos your H+ is so concentrated...oh, oh

When you become aqueous,
You're then all plus and minus -
The reaction goes to completion;
In solution,
Water's weakly basic, so
That's where all your protons go:
They join to make hydroxonium
And you become

Cl- and H3O+
Your pH is low, ‘cos in H2O
You deprotonate - H+ you donate, you see…
Tell me,
Why d'you have to go and get so deprotonated? 
I see the way you're
Split into your ions and you're fully dissociated,
You're low pH and
It's because your H+ you donate to a base, and you're great as a proton donor -

You're a strong acid 'cos your H+ is so concentrated...oh, oh, oh…

Chill out, hydrogen chloride:
You've been completely ionised,
And by your conjugate acid and base
You’ve been replaced:
Cl- and H3O+
Your pH is low, ‘cos in H2O
You deprotonate - H+ you donate, you see…
Tell me,
Why d'you have to go and get so deprotonated? 
I see the way you're
Split into your ions and you're fully dissociated,
You're low pH and
It's because your H+ you donate to a base, and you're great as a proton donor -

You're a strong acid 'cos your H+ is so concentrated...oh, oh…

This pointless parody © Aimee Hartnell, October 2003

Chemistry Games and Puzzles

Chemistry Hangman Game

Chemistry Jigsaw Puzzles

Chemistry Humor

Top Ten ways to get thrown out of chemistry lab

  • 10. Pretend an electron got stuck in your ear, and insist on describing the sound to others.
  • 9. Give a cup of liquid nitrogen to a classmate and ask, "Does this taste funny to you?"
  • 8. Consistently write three atoms of potassium as "KKK."
  • 7. Mutter repeatedly, "Not again... not again... not again."
  • 6. When it's very quiet, suddenly cry out, "My eyes!"
  • 5. Deny the existence of chemicals.
  • 4. Begin pronouncing everything your immigrant lab instructor says exactly the way he/she says it.
  • 3. Casually walk to the front of the room and urinate in a beaker.
  • 2. Pop a paper bag at the crucial moment when the professor is about to pour the sulfuric acid
  • 1. Show up with a 55-gallon drum of fertilizer and express an interest in federal buildings.

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